Monday, August 25, 1997

August & September 1997

Chaplain's Message

Dear Brother Knights,

This month I offer my third and final series of pro-life reflections on the mysteries of the Rosary. The Glorious Mysteries are listed as follows:

1. THE RESURRECTION - Love is indeed eternal; life has conquered death. Jesus transformed his tomb into the womb of new life. This is the mystery of the resurrection. May we never seek to change the womb back into a tomb through abortion.

2. ASCENSION - Having accomplished his saving work, the Lord returns to the Father, and offers the commission, "You shall be my witnesses even to the very ends of the earth." Many who are contemplating abortion are coerced, wounded, fearful, and near despair. May we draw them to the Lord and to his peace.

3. DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - The Holy Spirit grants us life and then breathes eternal life into us. Abortion and contraception blasphemes this work of the Holy Spirit. May the Spirit of God direct us as we pray for the unborn, for expectant mothers, for anxious fathers, and for a softening of the stony hearts of abortionists and their supporters.

4. ASSUMPTION - Utterly chaste and pure, Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven. Seeking virtue and grace, may we treat our bodies and those of others, including the unborn, with respect and decency.

5. CORONATION - As Heaven's Queen, the honor of all motherhood is elevated in Mary. May she make us bearers of the loving presence of her Son, especially to pregnant mothers considering abortion.

The Prayer of Our Lady of Guadalupe concludes it:

God made you his chosen instrument in bringing about the conversion of millions of pagans in Mexico. Your powerful intercession conquered the holocaust of human sacrifice among the Aztec people. / Pray for us now, that we might be God's instrument in overthrowing the holocaust of human abortion. By your intercession, dear Mother of Mercy, may Our Lord touch and bring a lasting change in the hearts of all the enemies of the unborn children. Amen.

Your Servant in Christ,

Fr. Joseph Jenkins


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