Saturday, September 11, 2004

May 2004

Chaplain's Counsel

Dear Brother Knights,

May is a special month this year for many reasons. Regarding my small parish, Bishop Olivier will be offering Mass and the sacrament of Confirmation to my teenagers on Pentecost Sunday, which obviously, is also the annual feast day for the parish as well as the birthday of the universal Church. We usually have a little picnic afterwards and you are all invited. We will also have our Maryland State Convention again in May and I hope to spend the weekend with all my friends in the Knights. I will be going down with my brother and staying at a friend's condo just a few blocks from the hotel. May 17 will be the 18th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. Last year I spent it quietly with the Knights on the Eastern shore.

Yes, I sure do hope May is an improvement over what has been a difficult year. A few treasured parishioners have passed, as well as Knights; I spent New Year's in the hospital after burning my hand (trying to cook); the car broke down twice (after a rat made a nest in the engine); the basement of the parish house leaked badly and because of this and mold we are looking at extensive and expensive repair efforts; and I took three plus weaks to get over respiratory illness that plagued me through the latter part of Lent into Easter. I have my worries and you have yours, but we have each other for support and prayer.

While we pray for many of our members, I would ask all our guys to keep John Marcus in their thoughts. Many have remarked about how hard it was to see certain scenes of Mr. Gibson's movie, The Passion of the Christ, and yet, for me, the most difficult thing to witness of late was John's passion in the hospital. He has not been well for awhile, suffering from kidney trouble and emphysema and who knows what else. Often he would offer the rosary on Saturdays outside the local abortion clinic, no matter how difficult for him. Now the SE parlor of death is closed. This is a victory for John and the many other friends of life. This must be a consolation to him in his current struggle. However, we must pick up where he left off. There is still much to be done and children to be saved.

May is a special month dedicated to Mary. Many parishes will have crownings of statues depicting the Blessed Mother. As the world awakens from its winter sleep, let us remember our Blessed Mother who gave us the Lord of Life, her Son. Every day we should say our rosaries, asking for her prayerful intercession, and pledging ourselves to God's service as his Knights.

Fraternally yours,
Father Joseph Jenkins


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