Friday, March 11, 2005

April 2005

Dear Brother Knights,

March was a great month for pro-life activities. Men assisted in placing a field of crosses at St. Philip's for the children lost through abortion and we had our re-dedication ceremony for our memorial on council grounds to the unborn child. If you missed these activities, there are still opportunities to express your dedication to the Gospel of Life during the month of April.

First, International Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child, traditionally celebrated by the Knights on the Annunciation, has been moved this year from March 25 to April 4 (a Monday). The feast was usurped this year by Good Friday. Supreme has recommended a special Mass or rosary service. Since we only have one meeting in April, I would recommend that we have a brief prayer service as part of that meeting although I am open to a Mass on the actual date if men are interested. "The Day of the Unborn was instituted as an addition to the Order's Crusade for Life and a symbol of commitment to building a culture that respects and protects every life." Here are one of the recommended intercessions (that I trasferred for use at the memorial re-dedication): "For an end to abortion, artificial contraception, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, in-vitro fertilization, euthanasia, unjust executions, and all sins against the dignity of human life, let us pray to the Lord." That about says it all, we know the face of the sin that we confront.

Second, April 26 (Saturday) is National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day. If any of you might want t-shirts, the American Life League is offering a great burgandy one with the face of an unborn child on the front with the words underneath, "Abortion Kills Kids." Around the edges of the picture is written, "She smiles, hears, kicks, and feels pain." Shirts are only $5 and come in sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL. I will be making an order and still have a few shirts from last year with a different design. Stand up and be noticed!

I would like to close with the intercessions for the K of C Day for the Unborn. The celebrant says: "Heavenly Father, You have given us life and brought us to the household of the faith. Grant us eyes to recognize your loving kindness all about us, and grant that we may always protect and enhance your precious gift of human life at every moment from conception to natural death. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen."

I hope you had a fruitful Lent and may the Easter season fill you with a desire to celebrate and protect life-- God's great gift to us!

Fraternally yours,
Father Joseph Jenkins


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