February 1998
Chaplain's Counsel
I suppose that between Convocation 2000 and the March for Life, our hosting of the K of C Marian Icon last month was overlooked. Several times I brought it to the attention of the council at meetings, and admittedly it was never clear who was in charge of the project, but I had hoped for better participation in this event to honor our Lady and our Savior. It would have been nice to have had a repeat of last year's success (with the Our Lady of Guadalupe icon); as it turned out, the attendance was so poor I was tempted to cancel the prayer service altogether and send the few attendees home. Enough said about this point, let us mend fences and make sure things run better in the future.
The archdiocesan convention proved a great success. In addition to our brother knights, Dale Trott, Frank Quinn, Frank Klco, Marty Martin, Steve Showalter, Larry Horton, and Paul McManamen, I saw the state representatives and many knights from other councils. I was somewhat surprised not to find a Knights of Columbus booth among the various Catholic organizations in the exhibit area. This event was held to inspire and to give guidance to Catholic Christians as they prepare for the coming Third Millennium. The Pope has urged us to acknowledge our faults, repent of sin, seek catechetical instruction, and to live and proclaim the faith to others. The Church universal has done as much, seeing all the great divisions in Christianity as the result of intolerance, weakness, and sin during the past thousand years. May the next thousand see a reintegration of the Church and a flourishing in the proclamation of the Gospel of Life.
This brings me to our annual march in Washington, D. C. on the behalf of the unborn child. Many thanks to all our knights and their families who again took a stand for innocent life. I trust that those who could not attend spent some time in prayer for the success of the march and for the eventual overturning of Roe vs. Wade. By the way, this year, the lady who wanted an abortion in that terrible landmark decision of the Supreme Court marched with us for life. She is now a convert to Christ and to the pro-life cause. Glory be to God!
Mercedes Wilson, a parishioner of St. Mary's as well as a close friend to the Holy Father and to the late Mother Teresa, will speak on "Love and the Family" at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 8, 1998, in the school auditorium. I would most heartily encourage ALL our K of C men and families to attend. Consider it your Valentine commitment in the month of February for your beloved. I will be expecting to see most of you.
This is also the month in which Lent begins. It is a special time for penance and for formation in Christ. Pick up a good life of Christ book, watch a few good religious films, and dust off the bible. Empty your lives of anything that impedes your approach to Christ. Go to Confession and remind family members that Mass participation is a "command performance," not simply from the Church, but from our Lord.
Taken from Journey with Paul by Rev. John J. Gilchrist: "Oh Lord, how I long to regain the innocence that was mine in baptism, the purity of soul, the gentleness of Spirit! 'Wash me anew, oh waters -- gushing from his side.'" -- I have limited numbers of FREE copies available for the asking.
Peace and Blessings!
Fr. Joseph Jenkins