Tuesday, April 12, 2005

May 2005

Dear Brother Knights,

I know that you share with me the mixed feelings over the Holy Father's passing. We are sad because he did so much good and was a true spiritual father to us all. He will be sorely missed. We are joyful and filled with hope because his suffering has ended and we take great confidence that our Lord will draw this good and faithful servant to himself.

One of the very first things he told us when he assumed the Chair of Peter was, "Be not afraid." He witnessed this in his own life over and over again. He spent most of his life in a world and society that suffered oppression and fear. He endured the Nazi occupation and counted Jews among his friends, even when such relationships brought recrimination. He mourned for those friends who were murdered and he spoke courageously in our own time for the children suffering under the holocaust of abortion. He helped to maintain the faith and Church under the yoke of communism and as Pope he was instrumental in bringing down the Red Threat in Europe. Even when he was shot in a failed assassination attempt, he was not deterred in proclaiming the truth-- about God and the Church, and about the rights of man and the sanctity of life. In a world of cowards and traitors who compromise the truth, he was unswerving.

While he knew reverence or holy fear toward God, he did not fear men, no matter how powerful or wealthy. As with Christ, he became a sign of contradiction, and millions of young people took up his call to renew the Church and to embrace the Good News.

Now we look forward. Along with our new Pope the Church will continue. Christ has promised to abide with us until the consummation of the world. Remain brave and strong. Commit yourselves again to the Church. Pledge a revigorated loyalty to the Successor of St. Peter.

Here is a prayer recommended by the Roman Missal:

"Lord God, you are our eternal shepherd and guide. In your mercy grant your Church a shepherd who will walk in your ways and whose watchful care will bring us your blessing. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."

I write these remarks during the interregnum period. It may be that when you read them, we will have a new Pope. Think about what a great miracle it is, this unbroken line that goes back to the days of the apostles. Earthly kingdoms come and go, but the Church survives! Praise God! The Spirit of God is alive and active in his Church!

Blessings and peace,
Father Joe Jenkins

P.S. The Knights of Columbus have put out a great DVD called THE VOCATION OF MARRIAGE. It runs about 29 minutes and is right on target. They are only $5 a piece and I will see about showing it at a meeting. Maybe we could make copies available to members? I think we should at least purchase a copy as a gift for the parishes we serve. They can use it in their marriage preparation programs.


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