Saturday, July 09, 2005

July 2005

Dear brother Knights,

The Dinner Dance celebrating our 50 years as a council was a wonderful success. I have every confidence that you will continue your legacy of fidelity and service to one another, the Church, our Community, and Country. I found the letters from Cardinal McCarrick and President Bush to our council especially inspiring and hope that they can be reprinted for the monthly bulletin.

I know, along with me, you wish Fr. Charles McCann the very best as he leaves St. Philip the Apostle to serve at St. Peter's in D.C. Our prayers go with him. I am also certain that you will continue to support Fr. Arnold DePorter as he leaves St. Bernardine and takes over the reins at St. Philip's Church. Let us also give Fr. Kevin O'Reilly a hearty welcome as he comes to Suitland, letting him know he has friends and support in the Knights of Columbus. This summer will see many transfers and reassignments of priests. If such should be the case for any of your parishes, do not delay in greeting your new pastors and never forget to tell them that you are a member of the K of C. If your priest is not a Knight, invite him to join and walk with him through the degrees.

As I write this I am looking forward to the Mass on June 15 that commemorates the Council's establishment. We do so many things-- fun activities, fundraisers, charities, etc.-- but please, never neglect prayer. The monthly First Saturday attendance at Mass as a council has had dismal numbers. Please try to make the time to participate. If you are too far from the parishes served by the council, consider joining with other knights, maybe even members, and attend your local church on the First Saturday. That way, we might be separated by geography, but joined by the mystery of Christ and the graces of the Eucharist. If you are sick or a shut-in, watch the Mass on EWTN and say a rosary during the time when members are at Mass. That way you can have a spiritual communion with the Lord and with your brother Knights.

Recently, when I was thinking about the various difficulties in recruitment, it seemed to me that in addition to the Form 100, it might be good for our men to pray with a potential candidate. Not only is it a quick indicator as to whether a man is a practical Catholic-- knowing his Hail Mary, Our Father, and Glory Be-- but it is an immediate reminder that the Knights are something more than a charity agency, a fundraising group, an important insurance opportunity, or more profanely, a cheap bar. Supreme offers instructional and prayer booklets that could be given out with applications. We really have to see ourselves as evangelizers-- bringing home the lost sheep and announcing the Good News to those outside the fold. As always my offer stands: find a man who wants to be a Knight and if he is not practical, I will see how we can help him fix his situation; if he is not Catholic, I can instruct, baptize, confirm, and give him holy communion-- and then you can make a Knight out of him. I know our other pastors are willing to help, too.

God bless and keep you all,
Father Joe Jenkins


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