May 1998
Chaplain's Counsel
M y very best wishes go with the council as we have the state convention this month. Please remember, regardless of how many or how few awards we receive, we do what we do for imperishable treasure. Marlborough Day is also upon us, a wonderful fundraiser, but a fun time, as well. This is also the month of Mary, celebrated with our annual May crowning. She is the special patroness of our order, may we exalt her in our piety and in our many rosaries for life. Cognizant of her holy maternity, may we also be solicitous of all our mothers who gave us life, loving and nurturing us. They know the true value of sacrifice. No matter whether we give them flowers to wear upon their dresses or to decorate their graves, they will always be a part of who we are as Knights and good Christian gentlemen. In this regard, I want to extend a sincere blessing upon our devoted Ladies Auxiliary: May something of our love for Mary always be reflected in your lives as the "holy women" in our midst. You are a great gift from God.
Keep peace in your homes, stay close to God, and proclaim in all that you say and do, the Gospel of Life.
Your Servant in Christ,
Fr. Joseph A. Jenkins, Jr.