Thursday, June 25, 1998

June 1998

Chaplain's Counsel

It is with a heavy heart that I write my message for the June newsletter. My new assignment as associate at St. Peter’s Church in Waldorf begins June 10. The fact that there is a regional council there and the prospect of an even busier parish schedule does not bode well in regard to my role as chaplain. The priest who is replacing me, Fr. An Vu is fortunately a first degree Knight. We will have to do all we can to encourage him to take the other degrees. He may not have my appetite, but he seems to be a good and thoughtful priest. We can also count on Msgr. Hughes who is one of the K of C’s greatest advocates. Our council has an intimate and unique relationship with the local parish of St. Mary’s. This is as it should be and I can only hope that the bond will grow even closer. Each year we win awards and receive STAR COUNCIL recognition; but, even without these honors, our family atmosphere and spirit of self-sacrifice is its own reward. I am so very proud of you all. Two of our men merit special mention. John Vassallo has been elected our new District Deputy. It will surely be an interesting year! Dale Trott will be the State Newsletter editor. Good work, Dale!

I would like to close with a brief word to the members of our Ladies Auxiliary. You are very much at the heart of our council. You remind us not to take ourselves too seriously and that love of God and of neighbor is what we are really about. You and your families represent our great treasure and the secret to our success. Without you, we could not be the men we aspire to be and all our endeavors would forfeit much of their meaning and joy. Thank you for the gift of your lives and your very selves.

Dear brother Knights and sister Auxiliaries, I love you very much. You have been so very generous with me. I have tried not to fail you. I beg forgiveness if I ever did. Please remember me fondly in your prayers as I move forward to my new tasks.

Forever your servant,

Fr. Joseph Jenkins


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