July 1998
Dear Brother Knights,
Greetings from Waldorf? I am composing this message on my new computer, compliments of gracious parishioners and the Knights of Columbus. While a simple "thank you" seems grossly inadequate, know that I am indeed appreciative and will remember your thoughtfulness for years to come. Please pray that I will make some headway unpacking and shelving my many books, the process at present is quite daunting and boxes still clutter my rooms. This month of July is traditionally a slow one, however, I would ask all who can to participate and to promote the Blood Drive. It is a very practical and productive way of demonstrating our dedication to the Gospel of Life. Note too that the Installation of Officers is on August 1st. It would be nice if many of our members could come to render their support for the leadership of our council.
July is also the month during which we celebrate Independence Day and the success of the great American experiment. Patriotism is a significant hallmark of our Order and we should take the initiative in commemorating the liberty that makes our country great. Of course, our "one nation under God" has strayed from her Creator in falsely making freedom an absolute for some and thus depriving it altogether for others. Let us support our country when she is right, and work for her correction and restoration when she is wrong. America can again become a beacon for the world, illuminating the truth that we are all God's children with an equal claim for the respect of our human dignity and life, born and unborn.
Peace and blessings upon you all,
Fr. Joseph Jenkins