June 2004
Chaplain's Counsel
Dear Brother Knights,
By the time you read this the cicada should have come and gone (not so bad fried, but removed the wings first), the state convention will be history, and the hot summer weather will be upon us.
One of my pressing concerns is that the council will remain as active and alert to pro-life concerns as in the past. Now that poor health has taken John Marcus out of the picture, I feel obliged to do what I can to keep everyone informed about threats to life.
I am saddened by news that Georgetown University has been involved with experimentation upon the stem cells of aborted children. Hopefully some action will be taken by the Archdiocese and/or the Jesuits to remedy the situation. The business about holy communion and pro-abortion politicians has been very much in the news, too. I mean no offense to those whom I owe obedience and respect; however, I would have trouble giving the sacrament of life to those who are public advocates and facilitators for the culture of death.
Many organizations have compromised on the dignity of human life. The NEA has taken a pro-abortion stand and took an active part in the recent march of shame in Washington, DC. All Catholic teachers who are obliged to join this union should enact the conscience clause and refuse to pay dues. Money given them goes to support the murder of babies-- ironic, since you would think teachers would safeguard future generations to enter their classrooms. The NAACP has made abortion part of its mission mandate. We need a new organization to fight for racial and ethnic justice that does not condone perverted lifestyles and abortion. I cannot understand how any faithful Catholic could belong to that group today-- they have lost their soul. Even an organization like the Girl Scouts is not exempt from wrongdoing. Many councils nationwide are using Planned Parenthood personnel and materials to form our young girls in a sexual revolution that condones abortion and lesbianism.
If any of our members have kids or grandchildren in the Girl Scouts, I would urge you to explore the status of local councils. The State of Maryland Girl Scouts this past April at the Baltimore Country Club in Roland Park offered the Distinguished Women's Award to Willarda Virginia Edwards, M.D. (a pro-abortion doctor and advocate for the NAACP) and Sayra Wells Meyerhoff, Esquire (a pro-abortion lawyer, politician and advocate). They state at their webpage that "The Distinguished Women's Award Reception was a great affair, where our Girl Scouts had the opportunity to introduce their new career mentors and speak about their experiences. This prestigious award honors women that exemplify the ideals of ethics, leadership and character that each Girl Scout strives to achieve." How many of these girls come from Girl Scout councils sponsored by churches where parents and ministers are ignorant of the pro-abortion role models and the radical feminist agenda? What kind of ethics are we talking about. Unlike the Boy Scouts, their oath no longer requires a mention of God.
Dr. Edwards is the National Health Advocacy Director for the NAACP. Note this resolution in her Health Policy Resolutions Book: "WHEREAS, on April 25, 2004, thousands of pro-choice supporters will gather in Washington, DC for the March Against Fear to demonstrate their support for the right to choice, and WHEREAS, a woman denied the right to control her body is denied equal protection of the law, a fight the NAACP has fought for and defended for nearly 100 years, and WHEREAS, many other organizations of women of color have endorsed the March, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP adds its endorsement and support for the March Against Fear and urges all who believe in equal rights to attend on April 25, 2004 in Washington, DC." I recorded the business off CSPAN. The entertainment begain with a song mocking the Catholic Church. A poor priest who said his rosary on the sidelines, Father Ryan, was cursed and spat upon. Vulgarity and foul language was exhibited throughout. This is the evil face of the pro-abortion movement. Now the Girl Scouts honors one of its supporters.
Meyerhoff is a distinguished member of the infamous Women's Law Center of Maryland. Supposedly fighting for the rights of women, this organization recently supported bills SB 354/HB 615 that would have permitted pharmacists to give out "emergency" contraception. They opposed SB 457/HB 772 that would have required a physician to provide actual notice to a parent or wait 48 hours after constrictive notice to a parent before performing an abortion on a minor.
It is enough to make you sick. I am proud that the Knights of Columbus remain staunchly Catholic and pro-life. I have a limited number of tee-shirts (with a four month old baby in the womb detailed in color). Around the photo it says, "Do you really believe this isn't a baby? Abortion is homicide." The shirt is not gross, but shows a beautiful baby that is vulnerable under current law. I am asking a $5 donation to cover my cost. Let us not be afraid to show everyone where we stand.
God bless you in all your noble efforts and know that you have my deepest respect.
Fraternally yours in Christ,
Father Joseph Jenkins
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