Monday, December 13, 2004

January 2005

Dear Brother Knights,

I hope that our Queens survived the shopping season and that our men did not eat too much during our various Christmas feasts. Here we are in 2005-- goodness time sure flies! I got to see a couple more versions of A Christmas Carol by Dickens that I had not viewed before. It is one of my favorite stories. Christmas is indeed a time when we are haunted by the past, present and future. The other day I mentioned to some friends that every time you watch an old movie, especially from the 1930's, we are watching ghosts. Most, if not all the actors, have left this world. It reminds us to always pray for poor souls. It is a nostalgic time: finding yellowed cards and photographs, seeing old friends, and how much children have grown. All this and more reminds us that we are pilgrims in this world and that life is short. We are happy because of family reunions, if we like each other that is, and we know joy because we are celebrating the birth of our Savior. We are also sad, because there are so many who have left us. We love them still and long to see them again. As for the ghosts of Christmas present, we look at our waistlines and the places on our heads where there used to be hair. We know who we are and what is important in life, but the body betrays us sometimes. God willing, we are comfortable with our lives and the choices we have made to get where we are. Of course, there is always the spectre of the future, too. Like Scrooge, may we leave this world a better place because we passed this way. For the believer, there need not be fear. Whatever tomorrow holds, Jesus will be by our side.

I must apologize that my message was not in last month's newsletter. Something went wacky with my email and it did not go through. Those with computers can find this month's messsage at:

If there is space, maybe the editor can also attach the message for December in the January newsletter?

May you have a happy, holy and healthy new year!

Fr. Joseph Jenkins