June 2005 - SPX Council 50th Anniversary
Dear Brother Knights,
Congratulations on reaching your Golden Anniversary!
Given the brevity of human life, I want especially to offer my appreciation to those members who have been with our council for most of its history. Your dedication to the Church and to the principles of Columbianism is a living testimony that you pass on to the coming generations. While many in our membership are scattered, a large percentage are struggling with the trials of sickness and aging, and some of our number have gone home to God— we rededicate ourselves as patriots of our nation and as citizens of an everlasting Kingdom established by Jesus.
Throughout the years, this council has been a source for fraternity and charity. Many have benefited from the generosity of members and all have counted our men and their ladies as good neighbors and friends. Fifty years is a long time— young men and women have become older— children grew up and had children of their own— we have witnessed many changes in the Church and in our society; but, the Knights of Columbus have remained a bulwark in the midst of upheaval and secularity. You have kept the faith.
It is my prayer that this council will have many more fruitful years ahead it. God bless you all!
Father Joseph Jenkins