August 2005
Dear Brother Knights,
First, I want to congratulate our newly installed officers. Know that I will do all that I can to help you and our council in the coming fraternal year.
Second, as I write this message, my lawn at Holy Spirit is still covered by the 721 crosses that symbolize the number of children murdered through abortion in our country in one hour of an average work day throughout the year. This does not even count those killed by abortafacient contraception. It is truly a national tragedy, and along with St. Philip's and Mount Calvary, I am proud of our Knights who helped with the crosses that remind us of this terrible holocaust and our continued obligation to proclaim the Gospel of Life.
Third, things are ever so busy right now. The Cardinal told us at his birthday party that there will be even more men changing parishes and assignments before the summer is over to better minister in the archdiocese. Please keep the priests in your prayers. Let us welcome Fr. Kevin O'Reilly to St. Bernardine in Suitland and renew our support for Fr. Arnold DePorter who is now at St. Philip's in Camp Springs. Another of our local priests has also faced a move this summer, Fr. Jeff Samaha, from St. Philip's to Holy Spirit. Maybe you had better pray for Fr. Jeff especially since he will have to live with me! It is my understanding that he will continue as chaplain at Southern Maryland Hospital, and may I say he has always proven himself one of our most selfless and dedicated priests, particularly to the sick and dying.
Adding to my business is the work to convert two classrooms into a suite for Fr. Jeff. Many thanks to a fellow Knight, George Floria for helping to make this possible by contracting the job. He is one Knight who says what he means and does what he can. Weaker men could take inspiration from him. At the same time, the parish began the Capital Campaign and I really have to find more time to fulfill this obligation.
Continue to recruit good practical Catholic men and remember as always, that I am ready to give instructions and counsel to men who may need a little help first.
God bless you all,
Fr. Joseph Jenkins