Friday, March 25, 2005

About Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus Posted by Hello
Columbus & the Age of Discovery: Database
The Columbus Navigation Homepage
Fact File on Columbus

Note: There may be certain elements in the weblinks with which we would disagree. However, I have attempted to avoid the more offensive and revisionist sites. Columbus was a man of his time; however, his daring courage and deep faith make him a man for the ages.


Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practical Catholic men in union with the Holy See, who shall not be less than 18 years of age on their last birthday. A practical Catholic is one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the precepts of the Church. Application blanks are available from any member of the Knights of Columbus. Every knight is happy to propose eligible Catholic men for consideration as members.

Acceptance of the applicant depends upon a vote of the members of the subordinate council in which he is making application.

All priests and religious brothers having duly made application for membership and participated in the ceremonials become honorary life members of the Order and are exempt from payment of dues.

Application for membership must be made through the council in the community nearest the applicant's place of residence. Interested prospects without a permanent domicile, such as men temporarily away from home through duty in the armed forces, may make application through their hometown council or at the nearest council on a military base.

If favorably voted upon, the applicant becomes a member by initiation known as the First Degree. He subsequently is advanced through the Second Degree and the Third Degree.

There are modest initiation fees and dues set by subordinate councils under regulations established by the Supreme Council. The insurance privileges are available to all members who can qualify, which represents an important advantage of membership. For men in every walk of life the name Knights of Columbus engenders the image of a united organization, efficiently going about it tasks of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism and defense of the priesthood. It is composed of men who are giving unselfishly of their time and talents in service of God and their country.

Membership in the Knights of Columbus provides opportunity for wholesome association with congenial companions who are, first of all, practical Catholic gentlemen. It offers the opportunity for fellowship with those who are of the same belief, who recognize the same duty to God, to family and to neighbor and who stand side by side in defense of those beliefs. Programs are so organized as to appeal to the individual interest of the members. Through many constructive activities of Christian fraternity, members are enabled to render service to their Church, their country and their fellowman. Through membership they develop a consciousness of their ability to lead and to assist.

Organized Columbianism, united behind the individual Knight of Columbus, provides the power of an intelligent, alert body of Catholic men--a strength which the individual by himself cannot achieve.

Knights of Columbus has a proud heritage. The qualified Catholic man can share in that heritage and build an even greater future by affiliating himself with this forceful, effective body.

The Patriotic Degree
Another degree open to members of the Knights of Columbus is that of the Fourth (or Patriotic) Degree. On February 22, 1900, the first exemplification of that degree was held in New York City. The ritual added patriotism to the three original principles of the Order: charit, unity and fraternity. Any Third Degree member in good standing, one year after the anniversary of his First Degree, is eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree.

The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to foster the spirit of partiotism by promoting responsible citizenship and a love of and loyalty to the Knights' respective countries through active membership in local Fourth Degree groups called assemblies. Fourth Degree members must retain their membership as Third Degree members in the local council to remain in good standing.

Certain members of the Fourth Degree serve as Color Corps at civic and religious functions, an activity which has brought worldwide recognition to the Knights of Columbus organization.

Odd Shots of the Council Chaplain?

Ah, There is an Uncanny Resemblance! Posted by Hello

K of C Chaplain & Queen Kitty (alias RAMBO) Posted by Hello

Having Fun with the Knights Posted by Hello

Mary, Queen of the Knights

St. Mary's Memorial to Unborn Posted by Hello

Our Lady, Queen of the Knights, bless all the activities of our Order. Keep us true to the pledge to extend the kingship of thy Divine Son on earth. Through Thine intercession, win for us the grace ever to exemplify in our public and private lives, the virtues which should characterize those specially dedicated to the service of the heavenly court. Make us always aware that as your Knights we are constantly observed, our faith judged and our Order appreciated. Accept, O Mary, this renewed pledge of fealty and devotion of thy servants, the Knights of Columbus. Amen.

--Rev. Robert F. Hopkins

Prayer for Elevation of Father McGivney

Fr. Michael J. McGivney
Founder of the Knights of Columbus
August 12, 1852 - August 14, 1890

Father McGivney Posted by Hello

O great and glorious God, You imbued Your holy priest, Father Michael J. McGivney with deep priestly virtue and especially with pastoral concern for the poor, the orphan, the widow, for the Christian education of youth, for the protection of the faith of the working man of his day.

Now that his priestly ministry continues to spread to countless millions throughout the world, through the efforts and influence of the Order of the Knights of Columbus, which Father McGivney founded, we beseech You, Heavenly Father, to raise Your faithful servant, Michael, to the honors of the altar. We ask this favor through our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother, Mary and our Mother, Amen.

Composed by the Most Rev. Charles P. Greco,
Former Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Annual K of C Christmas Party

Father Joe & Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer Posted by Hello

Santa is in Pain! Posted by Hello

Christmas 2002 with Santa "Dave" & Family Posted by Hello

Christmas 2001 with Santa "Dave" Posted by Hello

Christmas 2000 with Santa "Joe" RIP Posted by Hello

Friday, March 11, 2005

April 2005

Dear Brother Knights,

March was a great month for pro-life activities. Men assisted in placing a field of crosses at St. Philip's for the children lost through abortion and we had our re-dedication ceremony for our memorial on council grounds to the unborn child. If you missed these activities, there are still opportunities to express your dedication to the Gospel of Life during the month of April.

First, International Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child, traditionally celebrated by the Knights on the Annunciation, has been moved this year from March 25 to April 4 (a Monday). The feast was usurped this year by Good Friday. Supreme has recommended a special Mass or rosary service. Since we only have one meeting in April, I would recommend that we have a brief prayer service as part of that meeting although I am open to a Mass on the actual date if men are interested. "The Day of the Unborn was instituted as an addition to the Order's Crusade for Life and a symbol of commitment to building a culture that respects and protects every life." Here are one of the recommended intercessions (that I trasferred for use at the memorial re-dedication): "For an end to abortion, artificial contraception, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, in-vitro fertilization, euthanasia, unjust executions, and all sins against the dignity of human life, let us pray to the Lord." That about says it all, we know the face of the sin that we confront.

Second, April 26 (Saturday) is National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day. If any of you might want t-shirts, the American Life League is offering a great burgandy one with the face of an unborn child on the front with the words underneath, "Abortion Kills Kids." Around the edges of the picture is written, "She smiles, hears, kicks, and feels pain." Shirts are only $5 and come in sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL. I will be making an order and still have a few shirts from last year with a different design. Stand up and be noticed!

I would like to close with the intercessions for the K of C Day for the Unborn. The celebrant says: "Heavenly Father, You have given us life and brought us to the household of the faith. Grant us eyes to recognize your loving kindness all about us, and grant that we may always protect and enhance your precious gift of human life at every moment from conception to natural death. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen."

I hope you had a fruitful Lent and may the Easter season fill you with a desire to celebrate and protect life-- God's great gift to us!

Fraternally yours,
Father Joseph Jenkins